Family History Researcher
Trees of Life
About the Journey
My passion lies in uncovering the stories of families from the following regions: United States: Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, Maryland, Rhode Island, Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, all New England states, and Utah. Also I research in England and Ireland. My mission is to help you discover the roots of your family tree and preserve the legacy of your ancestors.
Hi, my name is Jason Phelps, and I am working towards earning certification in genealogy through the Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG). I have traced back my own family lines to the 1600s-1700s for over 90% of my 2nd great-grandfather lines, discovering many stories and unique origins. I'm in a volunteer partnership with the Historical and Genealogical Society of Indiana County, Pennsylvania, and I volunteer an average of 10 hours per week with them. I completed a comprehensive genealogy study course, teaching principles for professional genealogy, from a group conducting genealogy called GenProof. I have attended various conferences and webinars for genealogy, learning diverse skills that have helped me construct family trees.
I have thorough experience with newspapers, marriage records, birth records, death and cemetery records, land records, probate/wills, court records, military records, journals, authored/published works, and more.
Some projects I have undertaken:
-I traced a difficult Irish Hayes line back two more generations. What made this difficult was that a lot of Irish records were destroyed in the Irish Civil War of 1922. Also, baptismal records didn't quite stretch far enough back to cover the time period of the Hayes ancestors. I found a couple other tools for Irish genealogy to solve this difficult problem.
-I investigated a problem of Hooton/Hooten children possibly born outside of wedlock in Madison County, Kentucky in the 1830s to 1840s, and have the mother's side traced back several generations, and two possibilities for the father.
-I traced back a German family in New York via old newspaper articles, probate/will records, censuses, and a social security record. I found a murderer and crazy stories in this family.
-I traced a couple Swiss/German Mennonite families back to the 1600s in Pennsylvania.
-I traced a Cannady family in New York back to the West Indies and to England/Ireland before that, finding out they had some Dutch heritage intermingled with their Irish roots.
-I worked through some hard family lines in Tennessee where records can sometimes be scarce in the rural regions of Tennessee and western North Carolina.
-I have investigated Ramsdale/Ramsdell and White ancestors in the state of Maine, who likely came from England to Ireland, and then to Maine.
-I have worked through some Keller family lines, involving Keller ancestors who came from Germany to the state of Maryland, before going on to Missouri.
-I created comprehensive 200-300 page family history books for each grandfather side of my family. Each of these family history books traced all of the lines for each respective grandfather back to the 2nd great grandparents. There was only one 2nd great grandfather line in which I was not able to go back further than 1800.
-I put together a family history book tracing Harry Arnold's ancestors back several generations, involving Swiss and German ancestors who eventually came to Nebraska.
-I put together a family history book tracing Troy Donnelly's ancestors back to the 1600s-1700s, involving Irish ancestors.
-I constructed a family history book for Sherry Warrick's husband's Warrick ancestors.
Come on this journey with me to discover your family history and their adventure they took in life!

Jason Phelps
Who I Assist
I extend my services to individuals and families who are eager to explore their roots and gain insight into their ancestral past. Whether you're a beginner in genealogy or have already embarked on your research journey, I am here to support and guide you every step of the way.
My Approach
My approach is rooted in meticulous research, attention to detail, and a genuine passion for unraveling the mysteries of the past.
Breaking Through Brick Walls
I have thorough experience breaking through family history brick walls through using a variety of available sources and records.